

psychotherapy sessions

Sessions are one of a kind and tailored to you.

I practice Ontogonic Therapy, which focuses on the wisdom and language of the body to heal emotions, patterns, beliefs and personal karma.

First off we will define together your goal in therapy and go over the agreements before diving into the process, which starts on the first session.

Feel free to book one stand-alone session or a Buy-3-Get-1-Free Bundle

Sessions in English cost $100 usd or €90 euros.

Use the links below to pay and book your preferred time-slot.
You will receive a confirmation email upon successful booking

Any change in schedule must be done at least 12 hours prior to your session, otherwise the session will be charged in full.

If you have questions, Whatsapp me at +(52) 984 146 2763 or click on the chat icon below.

Peace; I hope to see you soon in session.





$125 usd

4×3 bundle


$375 usd

book your session


Fuí al retiro de Sueños y Qigong, fue una experiencia gratificante! El grupo que se formó fue increíble, aprendí como interpretar mis sueños y ahora lo aplico. Damian siempre estuvo dispuesto a resolver todas nuestras dudas y enseñarnos. Subestimé el Qigong pero es super potente, lo pude notar en unos días. Muy recomendado. Posterior al retiro que tuve de Sueños y Qigong, fuí hasta playa de Carmen para llevar terapia con Damian en su casa y lo valió. Además de ser muy amable, considero que Damian es un gran profesional con experiencia. He llevado otros tipos de terapia y esta fue una de las que llevo más adentro mio. Siento que fue un gran regalo para mi misma. Gracias Damian, tienes una amiga en Lima. ======================================================= I went to the retreat of Dreams and Qigong , it was a rewarding experience! The group that was formed was incredible, I learned how to interpret my dreams and now I apply it. Damian was always willing to solve all our doubts and teach us. I underestimated Qigong but it is super powerful, I could notice it in a few days. Highly recommended. After I had retreat of Dreams and Qigong, I went to Playa de Carmen to take therapy with Damian at his house and it worth it at all. Besides Damian is very friendly, I consider him a great professional with valuable experience. I have taken other types of therapy but this one took me the most. It was a great gift to myself. Thanks Damian, you have a friend in Lima.
Madai Sanchez
Madai Sanchez
A complete beginner in meditation, with a very wrong definition of what meditation was. During this two day session with Damian in meditation I understood so much and can say I can meditate. Regardless of the different levels of knowledge and experiences from all the different students I felt we all learned from each other, it was very interactive, and informative. I highly recommended regardless the level of experience. I would take more courses with Damian whom is very knowledgeable. Thank you Damian!!!
Alberto Trejo
Alberto Trejo
Sus clases son excelentes , está muy atento a cada uno de sus alumnos. Muchas gracias por tu tiempo y por compartir tus conocimientos!
Alejandro Oviedo
Alejandro Oviedo
Gracias Damian. Participé en el curso de meditación y realmente fue una experiencia excelente.
Isabel Jacco
Isabel Jacco
Tome el curso de simbología sagrada y no puedo estar más contenta y agradecida con Damián! ¡Excelente maestro y persona! Recomiendo ampliamente este curso. Me ayudó a conectar mucho conmigo, mis sueños y a conocerme más. Gracias Damian por el regalo que fue conocerte y ayudarme a expandir mi consciencia.
Gloria Guadalupe
Gloria Guadalupe
Es siempre una gozada y un apapacho al corazon recibir las enseñanzas de Damian. No importa el tema que estemos trabajando, Damian siempre escucha con atencion y tiene palabras que relajan el alma. Su practica de Qi Gong es deliciosa, un placer!
Meredith Sweeney
Meredith Sweeney
Damian is truly an incredible teacher and person. If you have the chance to work with him consider yourself lucky. He is deeply knowledgeable on the subjects of qi gong and dream interpretation and leads with compassion, empathy and patience. I did not know what to expect going into our 3 day retreat and left with a deeper understanding of myself and my dreams that I never would have found on my own. Thank you!
Leigh Whillans
Leigh Whillans
A wonderful experience! Damian was incredibly kind and very informative on many topics. He was very accommodating to the group and had no problem or ego when we asked for slight changes to our itinerary that suited all of us. He was engaged with each one of us individually making a great effort to know us on a deeper level while guiding us through our dreams or our qi gong practice. Honestly one of the best retreats I have experienced. Muchas Gracias Damian! I hope to remain in contact for further studies.
Erika Peña
Erika Peña
Damián es de esas personas q te hablan al alma. La fuerza de su claridad y su empatía te abren la mente y el corazón para entender cosas que siempre han estado ahí pero no podías ver y sentir. Súper agradecida!
Carla Banchon
Carla Banchon
Súper recomendado ! Estoy en el curso de sueños y simbología sagrada y es increíble como podemos lograr descifrar sueños , a través de los símbolos de los elementos. Me encanta !